











Become a Member

We would love you to be a part of our garden. Our members are very willing to provide transport to and from the garden if you are unable to get there under your own steam.

Membership application forms are available at the Garden, which is open Tuesday and Saturday mornings 9 - 12 and Friday afternoons 3 - 6.

Alternatively you can print off the form here and pay at the Garden. The Constitution and Policies and Procedures are available to read under the 'Constitution, Policies and Procedures' tab in the Menu box.


Joining and annual fees are as follows:

Joining Fee $5

Membership Standard Fee Concession Fee
Family $30 $18
Single Person $20 $12


One person only from each family shall be eligible to vote at meetings. Members wishing to have an individual vote can join as a separate member. All annual fees will be halved if you join after the 1st of July. You are eligible for the concession fee if you hold a Pension, Concession or Seniors Card.